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Accout Profile & settings

Your Digichama profile is your central hub for managing your account information. Here's a detailed breakdown of how to access and manage your profile:

Accessing Your Profile

  • Locate Your Name: Look for your name displayed in the top right corner of the Digichama dashboard or any other page you're on.
  • Click on the Dropdown Menu: Once you find your name, click on it. This will reveal a dropdown menu.
  • Select "Profile": Within the dropdown menu, find the option labeled "Profile" and click on it.

This will direct you to your Digichama profile page.

Account Profile Page

Managing Your Profile Information

The profile page allows you to personalize your account and keep your details up-to-date. Here's what you can do:

Update Your Profile Picture:

  • Click the Edit Icon: Locate your profile picture on the profile page. You'll usually see an edit icon (often a pencil symbol) next to it. Click on this icon to initiate the image update process.
  • Choose Your New Image: Select the image you'd like to use as your new profile picture. You can either choose an existing image from your device's storage or use your camera to take a new picture.
  • Upload and Set as Avatar: Once you've chosen your desired image, click the "Upload" button. Upon successful upload, the selected image will be set as your new Digichama avatar.

Modify Your Profile Details:

  • Access Account Settings: On your profile page, look for a section labeled "Account" or similar wording. Click on this section to access your profile details.
  • Edit Your Information: Here, you can make changes to your profile information, such as your full name, email address, and phone number. Edit the fields as required.
  • Save the Updates: Once you've made the necessary changes, click the "Save" button to confirm and update your Digichama profile.

Changing Your Password:

  • Open the Authorization Tab: Locate the tab labeled "Authorization" or similar wording on your profile page. Click on this tab to access your password settings.
  • Enter Current Password: In the designated field, enter your current Digichama password. This verifies your identity before allowing changes.
  • Create a New Password: Below the current password field, you'll find sections for creating a new password. Refer to our previous guide on password recovery for tips on creating a strong password.
  • Confirm and Change Password: Once you've entered your new password in both designated fields, click the button labeled "Change Password" or similar wording. This will confirm your new password and enhance your account security.

By following these steps, you can easily manage your profile information, personalize your Digichama experience, and ensure your account security is up-to-date.